Gordonvale State High School P&C

Gordonvale State High School has an active band of parents working with the staff and students towards providing the best possible environment for your studetnt's education. Our P&C is affiliated with P&Cs QLD.

2014 Meeting Schedule

Annual General Meeting: 17th March from 6pm
General Meeting: 14th April from 6pm (earlier date due to school holidays)
General Meeting: 19th May from 6pm
General Meeting: 16th June from 6pm
General Meeting: 21st July from 6pm
General Meeting: 18th August from 6pm
General Meeting: 15th September from 6pm
General Meeting: 20th October from 6pm
General Meeting: 17th November from 6pm

Benefits of being involved with the P&C include getting to know other parents and staff, having influence on decisions made about our students, sharing ideas, airing your grievances and finding solutions, and helping to decide how funds are allocated.

P&C meetings are held every 3rd Monday at 6:00pm in the Library. Meetings are informal and friendly. If there is a change in a time of the meeting this will be in the newsletter.

We Encourage everyone to become part of our P&C.

How Do I Become a Member?

Parents and guardians are welcome to attend any of our General Monthly Meetings, where you can choose to sign up to be a P&C member. Membership applications are accepted at the end of the meeting. You do not have to be a P&C member to attend meetings, but it does give you the opportunity to vote at subsequent P&C meetings on matter that concern you and to have the opportunity for your vote to count when voting in the next P&C executive at the Annual General Meeting. The only time a person can become a member without having to attend a meeting is at the AGM, when a person can request membership in writing.
